Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you should register for our Loyalty Program before booking your first stay, because once registered, you will receive benefits and will be entitled to book your stay with a 5% discount directly on the hotel's website by clicking on the following link.

Yes, it is worth signing up to our Loyalty Program before booking your first stay. Once you register, you'll enjoy benefits and you'll also be able to book your next stay at a discounted rate directly on the hotel's website. For a price calculation and booking please click on the following link.

Our colleagues are available 24 hours a day on +36 27 741 668 or by e-mail at

We recommend that you register one person per family, who will make the reservations the most often.  You can add all your family members to this account when you first log in. It is important to note that the benefits of several different accounts are not to be combined.
If you are travelling with a larger family or group of friends to Hotel Golden Palace, please register for each room. This way, everyone can benefit from the individual discounts. When booking, to enforce the discount, you must be logged in on our website to make a price calculation and reservation.  Discounts on several accounts cannot be combined, so it is recommended to register one account per family.
If you are already a member of our Loyalty Program, please log in with your username (email address) and password in the online booking interface before finalising your reservation. Once logged in, you will be entitled to an immediate 5% discount on your booking and additional discounts for your first stay.
Our hotel's Loyalty Program identifies regular guests by the e-mail address they registered with, if you did not request the quotation with the e-mail address you registered with, the system will not identify you and will not give you the discount. In this case, please contact our colleagues and ask for the offer to be resent to the e-mail address you used to register for the loyalty program. 
Please always log in to your account before requesting a quotation.  Thank you for your cooperation.
You can book up to 10 nights with a discount in the loyalty program, if you would like to stay longer, please contact us at Thank you for your cooperation.
Early arrivals and late departures are subject to availability, so please contact the Reception desk no later than the day before arrival/departure. The surcharge discount includes the use of the room and other free services of the hotel. Meals and restaurant services are subject to a discount at the Loyalty program level.
Please contact us at or call +36 27 741 668 24 at any time of the day.